Across any competitive industry, winning more sales requires a well-thought-out strategic plan as well as an efficient and productive sales team. With the adoption of TEB Apps, you can drive your conversion rate and accelerate your growth with powerful, futuristic automation. Data Axle shares that businesses with well-utilized CRM systems experience a 300% improvement in lead conversion rates. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which TEB Apps assists your sales team in maintaining efficient and productive levels of performance.

CRM systems improve lead conversions statistic

Understanding the Role of CRM Software in Sales team performance

CRM software has emerged as a powerful tool that empowers sales teams to achieve sales quotas and boost their overall performance. CRM software is a central hub for storing and managing customer information, interactions, and sales activities. By consolidating data from various sources, CRM software provides sales teams with a comprehensive view of their customers, allowing them to effectively personalize interactions, track leads, and nurture relationships. Moreover, CRM software offers advanced analytics and reporting capabilities that enable sales teams to forecast sales, identify trends, and hot opportunities to prioritize allowing them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies for better results.

How TEB Apps helps your sales team challenges

A successful sales team is critical to the growth and success of any business. However, even the most hardworking salespeople can face various challenges that hinder their overall sales performance. Some of the common problems faced include:

Heavy Workload

One of the most significant issues your sales team may encounter is a lack of time, due to repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks causing heavy workloads. Text Request highlights that sales reps only spend 32% of their time selling. This is because sales representatives are often overwhelmed with numerous tasks, such as prospecting, follow-ups, and closing deals, leaving them with limited time to focus on critical activities. This can lead to missed opportunities and delayed responses to customer inquiries.

TEB Apps solution – TEB automates repetitive tasks, streamlines workflows, and provides real-time insights into sales activities. By automating administrative and manual work sales teams can prioritize activities throughout their day giving them more time to focus on high-value tasks.

  • Sales reps can view daily / weekly task view
  • Managers can distribute workloads by assigning leads to specific sales reps or teams, as well as track and receive notifications on their progress 
  • Hot opportunities that need to be prioritized can quickly be accessed through the sales funnel visual
Tracking deals

Sales reps without access to CRM software often encounter a inefficient tracking process of leads travelling through their sales cycle. Without a centralized system to manage and monitor opportunities, sales reps may struggle to prioritize hot leads or follow up. This may result in lost deals, poor visibility into the sales pipeline, and committing errors throughout the sales process.

TEB Apps solution: TEB Apps' centralized data system covers all stages of the sales process. Across TEB Apps, sales reps can bring up data to track interactions with prospects, manage opportunities, and monitor the sales pipeline effectively.

  • Track Lead management | Opportunity management | Quote management all accessible within one central Hub
  • Use TEBs storyboard tracking to view all previous interactions with a client
  • Update sales in your funnel with easy Kanban-style pipeline management
Inaccurate or Incomplete data

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer data is essential for building strong relationships and delivering personalized experiences. However, sales teams often encounter inaccurate or incomplete customer interactions or personal data. Missed communication can lead to errors in quotes, repetitive contact with prospects, or missed sales opportunities.

TEB Apps solution: TEB Apps centralizes customer data, ensuring that sales teams have access to accurate and up-to-date information. 74% of companies agreed that they improved access to customer data by using CRM shared by Answer I. By maintaining accurate data that can be shared across team members, sales reps can efficiently improve communication efforts and build personalized experiences to build stronger relationships with customers.

  • Integrated communication allowing sales reps to quickly share data and assign actions
  • Detailed overviews of clients, with the ability to add documents and notes to customer and business profiles
Quote errors

Sending accurate quotes to prospects is a critical part of the sales process, quote errors can lead to lost credibility from the lack of professionalism. Ultimately leading to either lost deals or quote revisions causing deal delays.

TEB Apps solution: TEB Apps facilitates quote generation, pricing management, and proposal tracking. By automating the quote generation process and ensuring pricing accuracy, sales teams can create professional quotes, reduce errors, and streamline the sales negotiation process. This allows better focus and more time to close new deals.

  • Automated uploaded templates provide consistency in the visual of your brand's quotations
  • Automated or manual adjustment for personalized discounts | specification & volumetric pricing
  • Track and view quotes progress after being sent (Managers can opt quote approvals before sale team members can send )

TEB Apps

TEB Apps serves as a powerful tool sales teams can leverage to overcome common challenges and enhance their performance. By leveraging TEB Apps to manage time effectively, track deals, maintain accurate customer data, and streamline quote management. Your sales teams can improve productivity, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and drive increased revenue for your business.

TEB Apps features beneficial for  for sale team

TEB Apps will give you the ability to:

  • Holistically view all of your sales data
  • Track all of your sales activity in near real time
  • Automate lead assigning
  • Access automated sales reports

Take a step closer to maximizing your sales team performance, by minimizing the common problems they may be facing. Book a demo today!

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