“I have to improve my sales team’s efficiency” – Business development manager of Global Packaging Manufacturer.

Client problem, they need to boost their sales performance

Great sales performance relies on efficiency, productivity and collaboration. Without the right tools in place, your sales team can become disjointed, disconnected and inefficient. This is where TEB Apps comes in. With TEB Apps you will be able to connect with your team and free their time to focus on the activities that will boost your sales performance.

How can you boost your sales teams performance with TEB Apps?

You will be able to boost your sales teams performance through powerful automation, tracking and data management features in TEB Apps. Businesses across different industries are supercharging their team's performance with TEBs unique features, and you can do the same. With TEB Apps you will:

Assign actions in real time – You will have the ability to assign actions in real time to your team members so they can carry out tasks fast and efficiently. Once you assign an action, your team member will instantly be notified so they can begin.

How TEB Apps will boost your sales performance with action assigning and managing

Access in-depth sales data reports – View reports on your team's performance, profit margins, sales cycle and more to get in-depth insights into your sales and team performance. Get all of this data presented to you based on your own preferences with graphs, charts and more.

Leave notes and documents on clients – Pin notes and documents to clients to share important information between team members to help progress deals and provide swift customer service.

How TEB Apps will boost your sales performance with documentation storing

Easily view all daily sales tasks – On the TEB Apps dashboard you will be able to view all of your tasks, and all of your team's tasks for the day while viewing overdue ones to organise and on top of your tasks.

In-field sales tracking – Track the location of your sales activity to pinpoint what meetings and events leads are coming from. Furthermore, TEB Apps lets you see how many in person interactions your team are making when on the move.

How TEB Apps helps sales performance with in field tracking

Customise your workflows – Customise your sales workflows on the system to support your in-person sales processes, driving efficiency and productivity with automation.

Identify your conversion drivers – Pinpoint what is converting your leads and opportunities with insights into your customer's sales journey, interactions, source and more.

Why is TEB the answer?

In the last year, TEB Apps has grown by 800% due to its proven ability to spark business growth with advanced automation and technology features. We have countless clients currently loving TEB Apps, including:

Our clients

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