Key Challenges & Facts

Our client is a global healthcare and pharmaceutical organisation operating in countries like the USA, Germany and India with a mission to transform patient comfort, care, and compliance with innovative medical solutions. Our client required a system tailored to their existing processes that would help them track which hospitals and doctors across the globe are using their innovative medical solutions and record feedback.

Key Results

Before: Manual tracking of new product uptake

Our client was originally using Excel sheets and manual methods to track which hospitals and doctors they were negotiating with, and which doctors were currently using their solutions across the globe. This led to inaccurate data, duplications, and a long inefficient tracking process which impacted business performance.

After: TEB seamlessly tracks reps and collates doctor feedback

With TEB, we provided a ready-to-go customised solution tailored to our clients' needs. This solution completely streamlines their tracking process and gives the business a simple overview of how their solutions are being used by doctors. Our client is also now able to seamlessly collate doctor feedback on TEB to get insights into their solutions.

Medical reps tracking made easy

With TEB, our client can see at a glance which doctors and hospitals are in their pipeline, and ready to be contacted. Furthermore, these contacts can have key information attached to them, such as documents and notes for team members to use when reaching out.  Our client can prioritise contacts in their pipeline efficiently for better and faster outcomes.

Custom-made pipeline to visualise pre and post-sales activity

We have provided our Pharma client a custom pipeline to get a clear overview of their processes. With this custom pipeline, our client can see what stage the contacts are in their sales funnel in the pre-sale process, and what steps need to be taken to close the deal.

As well as this, the client is now able to track what and how the doctors are using solutions post-sale, and how often these solutions are administered to patients. This has helped our client understand their most effective solutions and accurately measure uptake.

A workflow that is easy to use and effective to track

With our client handling a large number of customers globally, and managing multiple solutions, TEB is playing a key part in simplifying their workflows. With automatic follow-up reminders, automatic client assigning, kanban-style pipeline management and automatic quote creation, our client has supercharged their efficiency to drive revenue growth. This was achieved in a record time of 60 days from understanding customer needs, to delivering a solution on the ground.

Letโ€™s help your Pharma company simplify its workflow

Book a demo with our Pharma specialists and take the first step towards getting a ready-to-go, custom-built workflow solution for your business.

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