Key Challenges & Facts

TEB is streamlining how this established financial services business is creating, sending and managing quotes with simplistic pricing and advanced automation to create an efficient sales closing process.

Key Results

Transforming the quote creation of established financial services business

With TEB Apps our client has now completely transformed their quote creation and pricing processes to drive the efficiency of their sales team during negotiations. They are able to create quotes efficiently with minimal human error, while streamlining their pricing process with multiple automated options.

Challenges of manual quote and order management  

When manually creating quotes, and calculating complex prices based on different variables, slow efficiency at the end of your sales funnel can occur, impacting how many deals your team closes.

Streamlining quote creation with TEB

Our client is now using TEB Apps to streamline their quote creation process and boost their sales by taking advantage of these key features.  

Key features:

  • Automated quote creation
  • Specification pricing
  • Volumetric pricing
  • Bundle pricing
  • Holistic view of quote activity
  • Near real-time stock tracking
  • Multiple customer terms and conditions

Why TEB was the solution?

TEB has helped our client simplify their quote creation with simplistic pricing to boost their sales and help them provide a smooth efficient negotiation process to customers. With TEB Apps our client has boosted their sales conversions, and shortened their sales cycle, helping them reduce costs and provide a fantastic customer experience.

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