Key Challenges & Facts

TEB Apps is helping a point of sale manufacturer track sales across the whole organisation to help streamline their lead management process.

Key Results

Tracking leads and sales performance for point of sale manufacturer

Our client is an established manufacturing company with over 30 years in the point of sale sector. As a pioneer, with years of involvement in technology innovation, serving prominent names in the global market, their business found it challenging to manually track their lead's progression. This caused an inefficient lead management process and inconsistencies with follow-ups, lead nurturing, missed opportunities, and inaccurate sale forecasts.

Challenges of manual lead tracking

With our client providing POS solutions across a global market, with offices across north, east, and west India, management wanted to efficiently track team performance in each of these regions. Sales representatives found it challenging to manually track and manage customer data as well as communicate with other team members to effectively streamline their sales activity. This also affected managers tracking the progress of their sales team to conclude accurate sales forecasts and pinpoint their best-performing lead generation channels to help make data-driven decisions for the growth of their company.

Streamlining lead management and tracking with TEB Apps

With TEB Apps advanced lead management automation and tracking features, our client is able to track all lead data across their several sales team locations. TEB Apps provided a centralized data hub highlighting important customer information and interactions, keeping the company up to date on how leads are being progressed through their sales funnel. TEB Apps also allows managers to track each sales team member's progress on the leads they have been assigned, to help re-distribute workload to maximize each sales rep's performance as well as generate accurate sales reports.

Key features:

  • Near real time tracking of customer interactions - Visual storyboard
  • Automated follow-up reminders
  • Integrated communication
  • Granular level access control - Set data access permissions
  • Analytical tools & Sales forecasting reports

How TEB Apps is helping

TEB Apps helped our client, a pioneer within the POS manufacturing industry, streamline their lead management and tracking process. Through an efficient process of tracking and managing leads, they were able to reduce manual tasks, miss fewer opportunities, and easily communicate data across different sales team regions. Ultimately this allowed them to maximize revenue through greater sales team performance and a higher number of lead conversions.

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