The fashion industry is a fast-paced and forever-evolving market, manufacturers must constantly stay in tune with seasonal and fashion trend shifts in demand by brands to sustain a lucrative business. As a garment manufacturer, keeping pace with these changes can be a formidable challenge. Making it vital that back-end operations and sales process are as efficient as possible,

According to Mordor Intelligence, the apparel market growth is expected to be aided by increased online shopping, allowing manufacturers to now sell their products across a much larger platform and geographical customer base than before. In this article, you will discover how to leverage CRM software to scale your garment manufacturing business within an industry that is forecasted to grow by a size of 4.63% by 2029.

CRM research for  garment manufactures

Garment manufacture overview

If there is one industry that is less likely to face a decline, it is the apparel industry, making garment manufacturing a lucrative sector with several growth opportunities. Manufacturers face the job of producing all kinds of clothes and accessories to fulfil customer clothing needs. However, garment production follows a well-organized process that includes several steps to meet complex consumer desires and fashion trends. Adding extra pressure on a company to efficiently maintain stages of their sale process.

Garment industry statistics

Key challenges in the industry

In the garment manufacturing industry, there is often a shift in desired products by consumers creating long seasonal cycles. Closing deals may also occur months before brands require their product shipments, so that their order can be received ahead of seasonal demand. This means garment manufacturers spend a lot of time trying to identify the best leads to focus on so that they can meet all order demands.

A key issue in the garment manufacturing industry is the reliance on manual processes for lead and quote management. Many manufacturers find themselves operating through traditional methods to manage leads and quotes. This may involve spreadsheets, emails, and paper-based systems. This manual approach is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors and inconsistencies. As a result, your business may struggle to keep track of potential leads, follow up effectively, and provide accurate and timely quotes to customers.

Why implement TEB Apps

Implementing a CRM system can revolutionize lead management for garment manufacturing companies. TEB Apps offers a solution that enables businesses to automate lead capture, track customer interactions , and streamline your entire sales funnel process. By centralizing customer data in a CRM system, allowing easy access to leads data and analytical reports. Through the automation of manual tasks, you can save time and improve your overall operation efficiency and effectiveness. According to Business News Daily 'whopping 75% of sales managers report that using a CRM helps drive and increase sales'.

How leveraging CRM will scale your garment manufacturing business

TEB Apps addresses key problems in lead management garment manufacturing businesses may experience. By leveraging our CRM system you can benefit by improving several areas of your business operation and driving further revenue.

Here are some of the key benefits of leveraging TEB Apps for garment manufacturing companies include:

Benefits of using CRM for manufactures

Improved Lead Conversion

Using our centralized data system with a simplistic view you can track leads, prioritize opportunities, and nurture relationships with potential customers, leading to higher lead conversion rates.

Reduces manual tasks

TEB Apps centralized system integrated with key business tools significantly reduces manual labour and time spent on repetitive tasks. By automating processes such as order tracking, inventory management, and customer communication, employees and sales representatives can focus more on value-adding activities. An automated system process also reduces errors in data entries across your business operations.

Enhanced Customer Relationships

With centralized customer data and communication history, which can be viewed by sales reps in several different visual aspects. Such as a storyboard, workflow management, through our sales funnel, or the central lead management hub. Allowing businesses to quickly locate customer information and previous interactions. Providing a personalized approach by anticipating customer needs, to build stronger relationships with clients.

Streamlined Sales Processes

TEB Apps streamlines every stage of your sales process, even when focusing on lead management. Our software focuses on reducing manual work to increase sales efficiency. This can be highlighted through bulk lead imports and exports, automated reminders for lead follow-ups. Our integration friendly system also allows third-party apps such as calendars, emails, and WhatsApp. Helping businesses to communicate and stay on top of lead interactions to minimize losing valuable opportunities.

Data-driven Insights

TEB Apps provides valuable data and analytics tools through your customer lead data. Which your business can utilize to make informed decisions, and identify current and upcoming which can be used to optimize sales strategies to scale your business.

Garment manufacturing best CRM

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