Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a core platform that operates at the heart of many businesses processes and is a key ingredient in business success. But does it really help to boost sales? Today we look at an overview of what CRM is and what benefit it brings, why some people do not believe that CRM software sales are possible to be boosted, and just how having the right CRM can indeed boost sales for your business.

A brief overview of CRM software and its benefits

CRM software is a core business platform that brings together and organises customer data.

The right platform should allow you to:

  • automate necessary but time-consuming processes that need to be performed on a regular basis (daily / weekly / etc.)
  • collaborate between different departments within your company
  • ensure centralised storage and data-security of your customer information
  • track customers through your sales funnel
  • personalise content on a granular level
  • operate with transparency and accountability

As a result of bringing in CRM software that really works for your business, you should reasonably expect to see:

  • Less time wastage
  • Improved customer service
  • Shorter sales cycles
  • Improved targeting for marketing
  • Increased sales

TEB can help you to upgrade your CRM to evolve your business and ensure that you are capable of handling more data, have less time wastage, and can improve your sales as a result.

With strategic automation and end-to-end sales processes, you can count on TEB to support your business as you grow.

Why do some people not believe CRM software sales boosts are possible?

There are some companies and individuals who struggle to see sales boosts with their CRM, and so in turn believe that it is simply not possible.

In many of these cases, they are using older and outdated CRM platforms, have inappropriate setups, or are allowing their team members to not use the program regularly or as intended.

CRM adoption is something that needs to be company-wide, when you have a single-stream data storage, and a specific process structure in place for operations, it cannot function as intended if not all of the team are on board.

Essentially, some of the key reasons why sales boosts are not seen as possible is because:

  • CRM software is outdated
  • Not all team members are using the tool appropriately
  • Insufficient digital infrastructure
  • Lack of training and support on usage

Whilst some areas are slow to adopt and adapt, the number of businesses achieving success because of having the right CRM is undeniable, WebFX found that 92% of businesses acknowledge the role of CRM software in achieving their revenue goals.

If a business is lagging behind with poor quality digital infrastructure, a tendency for team members to work without standardised processes (and usually notes in various locations instead of a single database), then it cannot benefit from the broad range of opportunities the right CRM can bring in, so of course, it will not see as many sales.

How CRM software sales boosts are made possible

When you have the right tools in place, and a data-driven infrastructure to support your activities, you can ensure your business is modernised, capable of handling industry change, and ready to boost your sales activities.

CRM software sales can be generated or boosted through the use of:

  • Centralised customer information which allows you a full view of customer activities, engagements, and who (if anyone) has been handling their accounts.
  • Streamlined communications which reduce the length of the sales cycle, ensure fast and accurate customer service, and real-time updating of customer accounts.
  • Targeted marketing that utilises data from customer behaviours, touchpoints, methods of communication, and so much more. This allows you to focus on specific demographics or even individuals to make more sales.
  • Hyper-personalisation through data collected across multiple channels and engagements.

Modern trends across multiple industries are all leading towards a digital-first approach to customer engagement, and without the right tools and setup in place, your business is going to get left behind, and worse - if your competitors are taking advantage of the right CRM and business process applications, you are going to be forgotten as well.

In order to make the most of your time and your resources, you need to make smart choices about your supporting tools and ensure that your team is not only comfortable with how to use the applications, but reliably use the platforms as intended.

Once you have your CRM in place, you can then benefit from integrated data collection, analytics, and customisable reporting.

This lets you see the data you need and allows you to adjust your business processes and planning without having to wait for an end-of-quarter or end-of-year review.

The more flexible you are, the more accurate your reporting and predictions is, and the more opportunities you can manage to increase your sales.

Boost your sales with TEB

Make the decision to improve your business with a reliable, next generation proven CRM and automation software, TEB.

TEB drives sales in business with advanced end-to-end automation:

  • Strategic automation to ensure daily tasks are completed without tying up your team, so they can focus on more profitable activities and those all-important brand-building tasks that keep customers coming back for more.
  • Automatic quote upload and assigning to speed up your lead management process to maximise conversions.
  • Funnel and bucket visualisation to let you see exactly where in your process your customers are, and what you can do to make the customer journey faster and more likely to be completed successfully.
  • Identification of conversion drivers to bring you the data you need (in customisable formats no less), to determine what is working, what needs adjusting, and what needs to be changed - boosting your sales in a way that is natural and makes sense for your business structure.
  • Automated quote creations and simple pricing to send proposals efficiently when closing a deal.

Get in touch today, book a demo and discover what TEB Apps can do for your business to boost sales, improve customer retention, increase profits, and give you the tools you need to be your very best.

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