Why has business automation been growing at a rapid rate across the world? Find out in this special edition.

Business automation is anticipated to grow at a CAGR rate of 8.59% from 2022 to 2030. All industries are adopting automation to enhance customer service, streamline lengthy processes, reduce the sales lifecycle and much more. Without business automation, you will be left behind.

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50% of manual tasks can now be automated, from assigning leads to team members, to invoice creation. Automation of these manual tasks has allowed businesses all over the world to lower their costs, boost revenues and generate more profit. Read more.

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Centralizing data to get insights into performance and opportunities is key for management. See how many missed opportunities occur in real-time, as well as all interactions with customers to ensure you are delivering cutting-edge customer service at all times. Business automation is key to building a high-performing sales team. Read more.

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With faster response times, a better understanding of customer requirements and more efficient service, sales representatives all over the world are using business automation to enhance their customer service and gain a competitive edge. Discover how to turn your customer service into a competitive advantage.

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