To boost your sales, drive your revenue and grow your business, a solid multi-outreach strategy is key. Multi-channel outreach is a brilliant way to nurture your leads, with Mailshake sharing that nurtured leads spend 47% more than non-nurtured leads. In this article, we will look at what a multi-channel outreach strategy is, and how you can refine your strategy to drive your performance.

Stat about leads

What is Multi-Channel Outreach?

A multi-channel outreach strategy involves reaching out to your prospects on multiple different channels. For example, you may send an email to a prospect, and then follow up with them on a social media platform or phone call. Multi-channel outreach is used by businesses as it gives them the best chance to reach a prospect. If your potential customer is not reachable on one channel, it is likely you will get hold of them on another.

What are the different channels in this strategy?

For an effective multi-outreach strategy, you should consider using these channels:

Different type of outreach strategies

Emails – Cold emails or follow-up emails are crucial to a good multi-channel outreach strategy.

Phone calls – Cold calls are one of the most popular outreach methods used by businesses, as SellingSignals highlights that 65.2% of leads say they find value in discussing their situations with salespeople.

LinkedIn – One of the best outreach channels for sales is LinkedIn, with Hootsuite sharing that marketers can double their conversion rates by using LinkedIn. Discover how to use LinkedIn to drive your sales.

Alternative social media – Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and forums are great platforms where you can contact potential customers.

What are the benefits of a multi-channel outreach strategy?

Refine your multi-channel outreach strategy and get these invaluable benefits:

  1. Drive your conversion rate

By contacting leads on multiple channels, you will be able to maximise your conversion rate as you will increase the likelihood of getting a response. The conversion rates for different platforms are as follows:

Conversion rate of a multi channel outreach strategy
  • Email – The average email conversion rate is about 8.17%, shared by Barilliance.
  • Cold calls – Fit Small Business shares that the average conversion rate of a cold call is 2%.
  • LinkedIn – The average conversion rate on LinkedIn was found to be 2.63%, highlighted by
  • Social media – Chat Desk found that the average conversion rate on across social media is 3%.

Combining these approaches will result in your overall conversion rate increasing due to a larger reach.

  • Reduce your channel risk

A multi-channel outreach strategy means that you will not be putting all your eggs in one basket. This will reduce the risk of missing out on prospects. For example, if you only contact prospects through Facebook, but the platform goes down for maintenance, you will not have any other alternate platforms to target your customers.

  • Target the right channels for prospects

You will be able to better target your prospects, focusing on the channels that they are most active on. You may have a prospect that is easiest to contact through LinkedIn, and a different client that is better to contact through email. A multi-channel outreach strategy will help you contact both of these customers seamlessly and efficiently.

The challenges of multi-channel outreach

Despite there being invaluable benefits that this strategy will bring you, there are some challenges that you should be aware of.

Challenges of a multi-channel outreach strategy
  • Challenging on resources

Managing multiple different channels can be difficult on your resources. For example, it will be time-consuming for a sales representative to use multiple social media channels and emails to contact prospects. Moreover, this may require multiple tools to support the contact channels, as you may need an email tool to send out bulk emails to prospects, and a tool to help with social media management.

  • Can lead to inconsistent messaging

Contacting customers on multiple different channels runs the risk of skewing your message if not done carefully. Without careful planning, your different communication channels may not be in harmony with each other, leading to inconsistent messaging, and tone.

How should you approach your multi-channel outreach strategy?

Take this approach to your strategy to enhance your chance of success.

Begin your interaction with one channel

Your multi-channel approach should begin with one channel and develop from there. For example, you may contact a prospect on LinkedIn, and have your initial interaction on that platform. Once that is finished, follow up with them by email. It is important to follow up on different channels, with Medium highlighting that customers say “no” four times before saying “yes”.

Plan your schedule

You must plan where and when you want to contact your customers. Identify the channels you would like to contact your customers on and plan out when you would like to make your follow-ups. It is common for businesses to follow-up with their prospects once or twice a week for the best conversion results. If you do not get a response, consider making your next follow-up on a different channel.

Take a relationship-building approach

Instead of opening an interaction with a customer with a “selling” approach, make your initial interactions focused on their pain points. Get to know your customers and learn more about their pain points. These personalised interactions will help you build trust with them and increase the chance that they will respond to your outreach method.

Track your results

You should track how well your different outreach methods are performing. This is essential as it will allow you to evaluate your methods and refine your strategy to improve your conversion rate. To track these metrics, consider adopting CRM software. This will automatically track and record data for you, helping identify your most valuable outreach channels that are generating leads. A great CRM software for this is TEB.

Transform your multi-channel outreach strategy with TEB

Want to transform your multi-outreach strategy to offer a more personalised service to drive your results? Then TEB is the software for you. TEB is a sales automation CRM software that will enhance your strategy through better data visibility and more efficient processes. TEBs game-changing benefits include:

  • Understand your customer requirements – Use TEBs customer storyboard to view your client’s buyer journey to get a better understanding of their needs and requirements.
  • Drill down on your data – Generate custom reports to get insights into your communication channels and refine your strategy.
  • Identify your best lead channels – Identify your most effective lead sources to focus your strategy on them to drive your conversion rate.
  • Track your team’s performance – Keep track of your sales representatives’ conversion rates and how many customers they are connecting with to help drive your performance.

Make sure you do not miss out and book a free demo to see TEB in action. You can see how these features and more will completely transform your sales results. The future of your business is waiting.

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