Email alone is almost 40 times more effective at securing customers than social media, shared by McKinsey & Company. If structured correctly, your emails can set you up for a successful meeting with a client by building trust, being informative and developing a relationship with them. In this article, we will look at how you are able to secure customer meetings with emails.

How to secure customer meetings with email

What can email do for your sales meetings?

An email is a great lead-nurturing technique that can go hand in hand with your sales meetings. However, to be effective, you must ensure that your sales email will intrigue the reader to open it. Boomerang highlights that prospects can spend more than two hours of their day trying to keep up with their messages, so it is crucial you make sure that your email stands out.

4 types of sales emails

Here are the common and most effective types of emails to send out to your potential customers:

Types of 
Customer Emails
  • Pitch emails – Pitch your product to your potential customers, creating want and desire for your product by explaining how it will help their pain points.
  • Follow-up emails – Follow up with potential customers you have already interacted with to keep you in the forefront of their minds and build a relationship with them.
  • Informative emails – Send an email to your potential customers with useful information on a topic relevant to their pain points to offer value to them through tips.
  • Cold emails – Reach out to a potential customer who has not had contact with your business to explain who you are, and how you can help them.

The key ingredients to a winning email

Focus on these factors and watch your emails succeed.

Key ingredients to a winning email (1)

This section will look at each of these crucial elements with top tips for you to follow.

Create intrigue with your subject line

The subject line you use may be the most important factor of the email, as this will dictate whether your customers want to open it or not. Zippia shares that 47% of recipients will open an email based on the subject line alone. This suggests that with a good subject line, almost half of your prospects will open and engage with your email. A good subject line to get a prospect to open your email should be intriguing and create urgency. Some good phrases to include in your subject lines are:

  • “Top tips you need to know about…”
  • “Did you know that…?”
  • “Have you considered…”
  • “Do not miss out on”

Furthermore, including a client’s first name in the subject line, or a question about one of their pain points is a fantastic way to get engagement for your email.

Make the email personal

Personalizing the communication in the email is a very important factor when trying to build trust with the client to schedule a meeting. You will want to use their name and try to include information that may be relevant to their context.

Focus on the benefits of your product or service

The email should include how you can help your prospect with information on the benefits that your product or service will bring them. For example, businesses that provide a service, like Netflix, will include information on new movies out to create desire and intrigue to use the platform in their email. 

When is the best time to send an email?

There are times that are better than others to send an email. Sending an email late in the day may not be effective as many customers will have stopped checking their email at that time. CoSchedule share that research found the worst time to send an email was between 7 pm and 2 am, while the best time to send an email was at 10 am. This is a great time to send out an email as people would have just started their working day and settled down, making it likely they will check their emails and be awake and alert.

Best time to send email - How to secure customer meetings with email

Establish your credibility

Throughout the email, you should establish your credibility with your clients. Include information about who you and your business are, with a professional-looking email that follows your brand image. Furthermore, you can build your credibility by making sure your email is straight to the point, easy to follow and clear/concise.

Have a clear call to action

A clear call to action is a must for a successful email. In the case of trying to get a meeting booked from it, clearly guide them in the email with what to do to schedule a meeting at a time that suits them.

Following these steps will give your business a great chance of securing meetings using email. Below is a template that you can follow when creating an email campaign to increase the amount of sales meetings you have.

Track your progress with TEB

With TEB, increase your data visibility to easily track your progress with your sales meetings and emails. TEB is a sales automation CRM software that will streamline your entire sales process while helping your business grow and generate more revenue. TEBs game-changing features:

  • Customer storyboard – Get a better understanding of your customers by viewing their buyer journey in the form of a customer storyboard to offer a more personalised service.
  • TEBs lead funnels – Organise your leads to see your most valuable lead source to understand your best generation channels.
  • Schedule follow-up emails – Make sure you never miss your follow-up emails before or after meetings to always keep your customers engaged.
  • Drill down on data with custom reports – Drill down on customer data through custom reports to guide your sales strategy.

Do not miss the chance to see this for yourself. Book a quick demo with TEB and view all of the features that will increase your sales, drive your revenue and grow your business.

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