Creating medical grade equipment requires extremely precise manufacture, high standards, and careful adherence to legal guidelines and obligations. When creating quotes for clients, there has to be a discussion over the type of locking plate required, whether the product is going to be a standard piece or custom sized, what material/s the plate needs to be made from, and much more. All of which is going to affect how the quote is developed and the final price delivered to the customer. In this article, we look briefly at the locking plate industry, before evaluating the different factors that need to be considered for quote creation, and how the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and tools can make quotes more accurate, the process simpler, and lead to business growth.
There are a variety of different locking plates available on the market, such as Periarticular Plates, Proximal Femoral Plates, Proximal Femur Hook Plates and so on. To gain insight into the locking plate manufacturing market, this article is looking at Periarticular and Proximal Femoral pieces.
According to Business Growth Reports, the Periarticular locking plate market has seen growth and innovation with the market being split between Perihumeral, Perimandibular, Peritibial and other. Some of the top industry players are considered to be:
Market Reports World looked at the Proximal Femoral Locking Plate market, and anticipate a considerable rise in market value between 2024 and 2031 as adults and children are both utilising products, with driving factors in first aid centres and hospitals increasing access to the products.
They indicate that some of the largest manufacturers for Proximal Femoral plates include:
Trends that have impacted the locking plate market have included advances in minimally invasive surgical techniques, an increase in orthopedic implants being made from biocompatible materials, and advancements in technologies such as 3D printing allowing for the development of low-profile and patient specific implants.
Although customisation is increasing in popularity, there is still a call for standardised sizing in some plates, and an absolute requirement for high-quality and trusted solutions from manufacturers.
TEB Apps offers fully customisable and repeatable quote templates, allowing locking plate manufacturers to clearly lay out their quotes, and ensure customers can trust the brand to provide reliable solutions. The TEB Apps platform helps to provide an efficient quote creation process that removes human error from the equation, provides a consistent and trustworthy brand image, and ensures all elements of the process are covered from start to finish.
Managing individual requests, determining what can be provided at a standard size, evaluating the materials required, and ensuring the end product can be delivered in a timely fashion. These are just some of the elements a locking plate manufacturer must consider when putting together a quote for their client.
Internally, the company also need to review where the client is located, what legal obligations and requirements are the standard for that location, whether there will be any additional overheads or duties (such as import or export costs) involved, and what materials are currently on hand and whether there is any fluctuation in pricing for resourcing materials that are low or out of stock.
The quote process is certainly not a simple one. For companies who do not make use of digital databases, automation, and real-time data, then it is even harder.
Effective quote management can have a dramatic impact on business, with positive results across multiple areas of the company.
Some of the main benefits that the right quote management can bring include:
The use of CRM and business process automation to streamline and revitalise quote management can also allow sales teams to focus more on lead conversion.
Auto-assigning leads to team members who are dealing with a specific product or account can ensure there is minimal delay between the query or order being raised, and the solution being actioned.
This also means you can make the best use of team knowledge. For different types of locking plate, there are going to be different materials, dimensions, and requirements. By inputting the right filters and key terms, you can direct your data exactly where it needs to go.
An additional benefit to having automation and CRM is reliability. These tools will work exactly as they have been setup, and can minimise sales loss, complaints, or user oversight with automation taking control of the actions.
When you equip your team with the right tools, you are supporting them to do their best, and ensure their talents are being used to their fullest.
You can streamline your lead conversions and quote creation with the futuristic, powerful automation software, TEB Apps. With TEB App businesses all over the world are boosting sales, revenue and accelerating growth with unique automation and data management features that TEB Apps provides.
With TEB Apps, you can:
You can make the most of maximising your lead conversions and give your team the right tools to efficiently, effectively, and reliably create quotes that not only help to improve your bottom line, but will give you a relatable and recognisable brand image that encourages trust with your clients.
Book a demo today, and discover how TEB Apps can provide you with stability and support as your locking plate manufacturing business grows.