Attracting new leads to your business and then converting them into paying customers is an essential part of your sales process, and the better your conversion rate, the healthier your business and your bottom line. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a popular tool for businesses to assist with improving these conversion rates, engaging with customers, and increasing your ability to do better business. In this article, we are going to look at what AI can do for the sales process, what the challenges are in achieving a good conversion rate, and the pros and cons of using AI to improve this.

What can AI do for your sales process?

Attracting new customers and making sales can be an expensive process, both directly through marketing and advertising, and indirectly in the costs of staff, resources, and processes.

Using AI to automate elements of the sales process can help to reduce these initial expenses, making sales more valuable. AI can be used in sales to:

  • Boost efficiency – with repetitive tasks removed from your employees and given to the AI to perform; and as long as the initial set-up is done correctly, the program will provide the same results or outcomes every time, which dramatically reduces time and expenses related to human error.
  • Identify customers – by evaluating your data (both historical and current), an AI can generate accurate buyer personas, allowing you to determine exactly who you are selling to, and what they are interested in, so you can identify better sales opportunities.
  • Predict customer behaviour's and increase forecasting accuracy – If there are trends or patterns in the data, an AI can identify these quickly, and when supported by the right tools, provide reports that identify what trends have been occurring, and when they are predicted to happen again. This is especially useful during seasonal periods, where ordering and stock control can be difficult.
  • Determine opportunities for upselling and cross-selling – by monitoring what your visitors are doing, what pages they are looking at (and how long), as well as evaluating sentiment, mentions, and other pertinent data, the AI can produce personalised advertising and marketing opportunities and recommendations for products that the customer or visitor would be interested in, and more likely to purchase.

What are the most common challenges businesses face in obtaining a good conversion rate?

Getting conversions can be challenging, and there are a number of reasons why your potential customers are not converting. Some of the most common challenges that businesses face in obtaining better conversion rates include:

  • Consumers are not given enough understanding of the product or service.
  • Benefits and/or problem-solving elements of the product or service are not addressed.
  • Advertising and marketing campaigns are aimed at the wrong audience.
  • Adverts and marketing campaigns are not shown in the right location and/or at the right time.
  • Sales funnel is not defined and it is difficult for potential customers to move through each stage.
  • Issues with customer service delays cause potential customers to leave.
  • Brand visibility is poor leading to lower views, and less consumer trust.
  • Lack of personalisation makes potential customers feel as if they are unimportant and so do not develop an emotional connection which encourages purchases and referrals.

How can AI help to improve sales and conversions?

Many of the challenges faced with conversion rates are due to lack of data or strategy and require you to look closely at your business and identify who your customers are, what channels they frequent, how they want to connect with you (and when), and what your competitors are doing.

AI and automation can not only help you gather together your data and analyse it to identify your customer base with more precision, but it can also help you manage your customer service channels and ensure that potential customers are being dealt with in a timely fashion, helping to decrease the number of visitors who abandon their shop due to lack of communication.

With the right AI and tools, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, businesses can gather pertinent information, analyse the data, and create strategies that are focused on the exact areas that need to be improved or addressed.

What are the pros and cons of using AI for your sales strategy?

Implementing AI can be a challenge, especially for businesses who are not that far along in their digital transformation – and the tools are not always the optimal solution, it really depends on size, scale, functionality, and the goals of the company.

The benefits of using AI for your sales strategy include:

  • Strategic and standardised sales funnels
  • Data-driven analysis and customer profiling
  • Targeted advertising and marketing
  • Streamlined customer service
  • Improved use of time and resources

The downsides of implanting an AI sales strategy may include:

  • Incorrect analysis due to lack of data
  • Unexpected downtime due to software issues or availability
  • Difficulties with legal obligations and compliance if the wrong tools are used

How can we help you obtain more conversions and a better bottom line?

The right tools and processes can take your sales strategy and conversions from where they are now to where you want them to be. By carefully examining your business and its specialised needs, you can determine what tools will help you obtain the results you want.

The TEBillion way involves our experts carefully discussing and reviewing your needs, and creating a package of applications, software, and tools so you can streamline your internal processes, and spend more time where you can get the best results.

Our tools range from Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Quote Management systems, to cloud-based tools and automation that drive your business forward.

When you work with TEB, your conversion rate will be supported by:

  • Analytics and data – Our tools let you choose the metrics you want to monitor, and create the reports you need when you need them.
  • Project planning – Assign actions, track performance and stay up to date in real time on all of your projects.
  • Effective lead generation – By automating your lead cycle, you can increase your revenue, boost your growth, and keep your customers engaged and coming back for more.
  • Automate manual processes - Automate processes like lead assigning, quote management and billing to drive your efficiency and save costs.

Find out how to take your conversion rate to the next level, and discover just what TEB can do for you, then book a call – and let's work together to make your potential sales actual ones.

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