Sales teams in the manufacturing industry as a whole has faced a number of challenges in recent years, such as labour shortages, supply chain issues, economic pressures and lengthy complex sales cycles. You can overcome these challenges with a powerful, futuristic automation tool, TEB Apps. In this article you will learn how manufacturing businesses are using TEB Apps to drive sales.

Sales challenges is manufacturing businesses

How does TEB Apps help?

You no longer need to spend hours creating complex quotes on Excel, managing large volumes of lead data or manually keeping track of stock. TEB Apps is designed to make your sales processes easy and simplistic to allow you to focus on providing a fantastic customer experience.

Make your data management easy

TEB Apps centralises and organises your sales data from lead data all the way to order data. This data is presented in a user-friendly funnel view to make it quick and easy to spot how your deals are progressing at each stage.

Manufacturing businesses are also using TEB Apps to easily track the items they currently have in stock. TEB Apps allows you to create item profiles to allow your team to seamlessly see what items are in stock, key details on the item such as minimum and maximum discounts available.

Empower your sales team to work efficiently

TEB Apps will empower your sales team to work to their maximum efficiency by freeing up time with advanced automation. You can automate your sales workflow from lead assigning, to quote creation to give your team time to work on sales-winning tasks.

Sales representatives can automate:

Processes sales can automate in manufacturing businesses
  • Lead assigning
  • Quote Creation
  • Pricing (Specification, volumetric and bundle pricing)
  • Follow-up reminders
  • Report creation
  • Order creation

Transform your quote creation process

In manufacturing quote creation can be time-consuming due to items having complex pricing criteria.

You will completely automate your quote workflow with TEB Apps, accessing custom templates for you and your team to use. Automate the addition of customer details on your quote templates to make fast and efficient proposals.

TEB Apps transforms the way manufacturing businesses create quotes with advanced pricing options. With TEB Apps, you can leverage:

Pricing automation with TEB Apps

Specification pricing - You can easily price items based on the grades of different components without worrying about long calculations.

Volumetric pricing - Streamline how you sell large volumes of items and integrate it into a single quote. 

Bundle pricing - Transform the way you create quotes when upselling to customers, easily bundling multiple items together. 

Furthermore, TEB Apps gives you the ability to view deal progression in multiple different currencies without having to make a new workflow. This allows you to see how quotes are progressing in multiple currencies.

Book a demo and learn how TEB Apps can help you

TEB Apps is currently changing the future of manufacturing. Are you ready to step into the future?

TEB the game changer

Book a demo today and get a free trial of TEB Apps to learn how you can streamline your sales processes in manufacturing to maximise conversions, boost revenue and accelerate growth.

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