Data by QuickMail states the average open rate for cold emails is 44%, with inboxes overflowing and attention spans shortening. How can you ensure your cold email stands out from the crowd and elicits a response?  In this article, be prepared to unlock expert tips to skyrocket your response rates and make meaningful connections with our cold email best practices and free downloadable cold email templates.

What is the average cold email open rate

Understanding cold emails

What is a cold email?

A cold email is an unsolicited email sent to someone without prior contact or relationship. Unlike warm or hot leads, which involve prospects who have expressed interest or engaged with the sender's company in some way, cold emails are typically sent to prospects who may be unaware of the sender's products/services.

Sales representatives commonly use cold emails as a proactive outreach strategy to initiate contact with potential prospects and generate new business opportunities. 86% of professionals today prioritize cold email, particularly given the global email traffic that has skyrocketed to 347 billion emails per day and continues to surge.

Cold email statistic

Here's why cold emails are worth the investment:

Reach a Wide Audience: Cold emails allow sales representatives to reach a large pool of potential prospects quickly and efficiently. With the right targeting and segmentation, sales reps can tailor their messages to specific audience segments, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional outbound marketing methods like cold calling or direct mail, cold emailing is a cost-effective way to reach new prospects.

Scalability: Cold emailing is highly scalable, making it ideal for sales teams looking to expand their outreach efforts.

Trackable Metrics: Sales reps can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and response rates to gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Personalization and Customization: With advances in email automation and personalization tools, sales reps can tailor their cold emails to each recipient, making them more relevant and engaging.

Essential components for cold email success

Before delving into the pre-written cold email templates, it's crucial to grasp the essentials of crafting an effective cold email. Understanding the key components of a great cold email will empower you to customize each template for optimal response rates. Here are the essential components to craft a cold email with high response rates: 

Research pain points

Before crafting your cold email, it is crucial to research your recipient's paint points. By understanding their challenges and struggles within their business industry you are now able to create personalized content that resonates with your recipient increasing engagement and the likelihood of a response.


Personalization is one of the most critical aspects of crafting a successful cold email because generic, mass-sent emails are easily dismissed as spam or left unopened. To grab the recipient's attention, take the time to research and understand their interests, and needs. Address the recipient by their name, reference a recent achievement or project of theirs, and demonstrate a genuine interest in establishing a meaningful connection.

Define a clear value proposition

Essential components for email marketing efforts

In your cold email, clearly articulate the value proposition you plan to offer, this may be what problem you can solve for the recipient or how your product/service will benefit their business or personal goals. Tailoring your message to demonstrate how you may be of value to the recipient's specific needs increases the likelihood of a positive response.

Include a strong call to action

Every cold email should include a clear and compelling call to action at the end or throughout the email, whether scheduling a meeting, requesting further information, or exploring a potential collaboration. Providing clear instructions makes it easier for your recipient to understand the next steps you want them to take and how to respond.

Bonus tip: Persistence pays off in the world of cold emailing, if you don’t receive a response to your initial email, don't be discouraged give it some time and shoot your shot again! You may also benefit from implementing TEB App's strategic follow-up email strategy with free downloadable templates to increase the chance of sending your leads further down your sales funnel.

Winning cold email template example

This winning cold email template can be used by a sales representative to capitalize on the momentum of a prospect's recent achievement or milestone. Recognizing and celebrating a prospect's success not only helps build rapport but also provides a timely opportunity to introduce how your company's unique value proposition can further support their goals. Salespeople who actively engage with their prospects' social media presence, milestones, and achievements see a 45% higher response rate, making this approach both effective and impactful in fostering meaningful business relationships.

downloadable  cold email template

Downloadable cold email templates

Crafting high-converting cold email templates requires a strategic approach that combines personalization, clear value propositions, and compelling calls to action. By understanding your audience, addressing their pain points, and maintaining a professional yet engaging tone, you can significantly boost your response rates and conversion metrics.

To further enhance your email marketing or sales outreach efforts, we have compiled a comprehensive list of customizable winning cold email templates. Download our exclusive collection now and start converting more leads into loyal customers with proven email templates that work.

Create a winning follow-up email

Now you have the ability to create a cold email that will get your prospects attention and increase the chance of a sale, you must now master your follow-up emails! View our full follow-up email guide and access seven free winning follow-up email templates.

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