Crafting an effective proposal email can be the deciding factor between converting a lucrative deal or missing a golden opportunity. Did you know that 47% of emails are opened or discarded based solely on their subject line? Studies by Aberdeen reveal that personalized emails improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversion rates by 10%.

Whether you're proposing a new partnership or engaging with a prospect, mastering the art of proposal email structuring is essential. In this article, we'll provide the 6 best practices to follow when writing your email , with free downloadable proposal email templates that will stand out in a crowded inbox and resonate with your reader triggering the response you need.

Proposal email key stat

6 best practices to follow when writing a proposal email

Crafting a successful proposal email requires more than good writing skills. Sales representatives must adopt a strategic thinking mindset and pay close attention to detail. To ensure that your proposal email stands out and achieves its intended purpose adhering to the best practices is essential.

Here are six of the best practices to follow when sending a proposal email that has been designed to capture your recipient’s attention, convey your message clearly, and drive actionable responses:

1. A Clear and Engaging Subject Line

Your subject line is crucial within any form of email as it will be the first thing the recipient sees. To grab a prospects attention and secure higher open rates make sure it is compelling and informative. Avoiding generic and bland phrases like "Proposal", Instead use something more specific and engaging like "Strategic Partnership Proposal for Enhanced Growth."

2. Personalize the email

Address the recipient by name at the start of the email and personalize your content to reflect their specific needs and interests. Personalization shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in working with them.

3. Start with a strong opening

Now that you have been able to grab their attention through an engaging subject line, begin your email with a captivating introduction that can include their name or personalized content to retain their attention as this section is a crucial factor in your recipient's decision to continue reading the email. E.g., mention a recent accomplishment of theirs, relevant industry trend/news, or how your proposal aligns with their goals.

Top tips to follow when sending proposal emails

4. Clearly outline the proposal

Be concise and clear about what you are proposing. Break down the key points of your proposal into easily digestible sections. Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight important details that you want your recipient to remember.

*Your proposal email is not the place for lengthy narratives or irrelevant information. Be concise and get straight to the point, the goal is to make your recipient understand the value of your proposition swiftly.

5. Highlight the benefits

Your proposal is also your pitch to secure a deal, so focus on the benefits and value your proposal brings to the recipient. Emphasize what sets you apart and why your solution is ideal to solve their specific needs and improve their operations.

6. Include a call to action

End your email with a clear and strong call to action, whether you want to schedule a call, receive a feedback response, or the signing of an agreement, making the next steps for your recipient as clear as possible.

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Personalization is the key to conversions, as it shows your recipient that you’ve invested time in understanding who they are and their individual preferences. By following the 6 best practices, you'll be able to craft an attention-grabbing proposal email, which stands out and effectively communicates your value proposition.

Effective Email Example

The customized solution proposal below can be used in various scenarios where a sales representative aims to provide a tailored solution to address a potential client's needs or challenges. This template is particularly effective when reaching out to prospects with complex requirements or unique pain points requiring a strategic personalized approach. Whether it's optimizing a specific aspect of their business operations, overcoming technical obstacles, or implementing a new solution, this template allows the sales representative to showcase their understanding of the prospect's situation and offer a customized proposal to meet their needs effectively.

downloadable proposal email template

Enhance Your Sales Skills with TEB Apps’ Proven Proposal Email Templates

Creating effective proposal emails is a crucial skill that can significantly impact your ability to secure new clients. By understanding your potential client's needs, crafting personalized and compelling content, and presenting your solutions clearly, you position yourself better to increase your conversion rates and build stronger business relationships. Throughout this guide, we've provided valuable insights into the art of creating winning proposals. For sales representatives looking to elevate their proposal emails to the next level, we have compiled a set of six winning proposal email templates designed to capture attention and drive results. Download these templates now to streamline your process and start closing more deals with confidence.

6 Winning Email templates

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