Over recent years, many organizations have gone through a digital transformation, implementing several tools and software such as CRM to streamline their business operations and cater to the needs of crucial departments such as the sales and marketing teams. Companies have identified that to grow their brand name and revenue, they must ensure perfect alignment between their departments. CRM systems have proven to be a highly effective solution to achieve this objective. LXA states, ‘An effective partnership between sales and marketing teams is the #1 success factor attributed to achieving revenue goals’. In this article, we will explore the benefits of TEB Apps in aligning sales and marketing teams for improved conversion rates and revenue growth.

Driving revenue between team collaboration

The power of CRM in sales and marketing alignment

Integrating CRM into your business operations enables your sales and marketing team to form a bridge between two different critical departments. By centralizing customer data, insights, and analytical reports CRM provides a consistent platform for both teams to access vital information allowing smooth transitions and cooperation of data. For example, marketing teams are now able to analyse the performance of their email campaigns while on the other hand, sales representatives can measure the actual worth of leads provided by the marketing teams. As a result, a transparent pipeline is formed with the alignment of both teams enabling them to formulate better strategies to drive revenue. According to Jifflenow, 22.1% of salespeople said the biggest benefit of sales and marketing teams being more aligned was it helped them close more deals.

CRM system

Challenges of unaligned sales and marketing teams

There's no denying the power of CRM in sales and marketing alignment, allowing businesses to create a clear pathway to success however when sales and marketing teams operate in silos, challenges abound hindering the efficiency of business processes which may cause opportunities to slip through the cracks and poor customer experiences leading to lost revenue and a fragmented brand image. Here are some of the common challenges of an unaligned sales and marketing team without a CRM system that could affect your business:

  • Miscommunication                 
  • Conflicting strategies
  • Wasted resources
  • Inaccurate metrics & Customer Data
  • Missed opportunities
  • Affect Annual Revenue

Introducing TEB Apps

TEB Apps serves as a powerful tool that sales and marketing teams can leverage to create a perfect alignment to overcome common challenges and enhance their strategies and performance. By leveraging TEB Apps your marketing team can efficiently track their communication efforts with reliable and accurate insights to make data decisions when amending their strategies, also relaying this information back to the sales team so that they can efficiently track lead values, maintain accurate customer data, and streamline quote generation to deliver exceptional customer experiences, and drive increased revenue for your business.

Here are some features of TEB Apps, that will assist the alignment of your sales and marketing team:

Sales and marketing tool named TEB Apps
  • Holistic dashboard – TEB Apps provides a centralized hub with a user-friendly interface that displays your company's leads data, also presenting sales activities, KPIs, and other essential CRM metrics in a visually appealing way. This allows your sales and marketing team to quickly pinpoint accurate and required data across different departments to assist in creating new campaigns and strategies to ultimately convert more leads to drive revenue.
  • Action assigning - TEB Apps action assigning creates streamlined communication between team members to ensure that your team is on the same page.
  • Integration friendly – TEB Apps allows the use of third-party applications that your business may require as part of your business operations. Also already includes integrated communications such as emails, calls, and document uploads. This is beneficial as it provides an efficient approach to collaboration and communication between different departments, also storing each interaction for future reference eliminating the chances of manual errors.
  • Sales Forecasting- TEB Apps provides insights into sales trends, customer behaviour, and performance metrics through our analytics reports, enabling businesses to make accurate sales forecasts and strategic decisions. Also enabling marketing teams to make data-driven decisions to adjust marketing campaigns to target leads of higher values or leads that are already interested in the product or service your brand sells.

With TEB Apps, your business can streamline your business operations while also creating a perfect alignment between your sales and marketing teams to convert more leads that travel through your sales funnel. Creating an efficient collaboration between the two teams by leveraging TEB Apps will assist your businesses in optimizing your sales processes, increasing team effectiveness to ultimately drive business growth and revenue in today's competitive business industries.

Book a demo today and get an in-depth look at the features we offer that will assist your business in driving revenue and growth!

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