The CRM industry has changed tremendously since it first appeared in the early 1990s, with the advancement of several new CRM providers who cater to different business sizes, needs, and financial capabilities. Businesses are now spoilt for choice in terms of innovation however when it comes to technology business owners may still feel overwhelmed when identifying they have outgrown their current CRM system and require a change.

Did you know that companies lose a estimated 10% of their annual revenue due to poor CRM systems that produce bad data? In today's business environment, outdated CRM systems can hinder growth, lead to missed opportunities, and ultimately impact a company's bottom line. Businesses must recognize the key signs indicating the need to update their CRM to stay competitive and maximize profitability. In this article, you will discover the key signs that indicate the need for a CRM update and how companies that thrive on lasting relationships and exceeding customer expectations, TEB Apps emerges as a powerful and innovative solution.

Crm market prediction

Key signs it's time to upgrade your CRM

CRM software plays a vital role in helping businesses manage relationships with their customers, streamline business processes, and drive growth and revenue. As technology evolves, customer expectations change, or your business grows shifting your requirements to streamline your operations. Keeping your CRM systems up to date is a crucial factor in long-term success.

Here are some key signs that indicate it's time to upgrade to the latest CRM system:

Lack of integration with other software

Outdated systems lack interaction with other platforms and tools which is a crucial aspect of streamlining business operations. If your CRM struggles to integrate with essential business applications, it can lead to data inconsistencies and inefficiencies. The lack of integration may cause these challenges that can affect your business:

  • Manually re-entering data
  • Data disparity
  • Inefficient communication process
  • Missed opportunities

Lack of Reporting and forecast visibility

Generating insightful reports becomes a complex challenge without a unified data source, without the ability to track critical metrics across departments your business may miss potential opportunities to grow or increase revenue. If your CRM system lacks reporting and forecasting capabilities it may cause these challenges that can affect your business:

  • Guesswork overshadows growth
  • Hidden trends and opportunities
  • Manual process is efficient and not always accurate
key signs to upgrade crm system

Outdated user interface 

If your CRM software has an outdated interface that is difficult to navigate or lacks modern features, it may be time for an update. A user-friendly interface can improve employee productivity and efficiency. The lack of a user-friendly interface may cause these challenges that can affect your business:

  • Poor customer experience
  • Limited sales performance
  • Missed opportunities
  • Expensive employee training

Lack of Mobile Compatibility

With the rise of remote work and on-field sales representatives having a CRM system that is not mobile-friendly can limit accessibility to customer data, hindering out-of-office sales teams' performance. Updating to a mobile-compatible CRM solution can improve user adoption and productivity on the go. The lack of mobile compatibility may cause these challenges for your on-field sales team departments in your business:

  • Lack of access to lead data
  • Inefficient tracking and completion of tasks
  • Inefficient communication, and data integration to office sales teams
  • Closing deals

Doesn’t fit your current business processes

If your business implemented a CRM system some time ago, it may be possible that it no longer matches your current business process. Most frequently, businesses find they have outgrown their solution. While their CRM system once met their needs, the company has grown and evolved since. Now implementing new business goals and internal processes that the CRM system simply wasn’t designed to serve showing key signs they require a change.

Why upgrading CRM systems can be so intimidating? 

challenges of upgrading crm system

Often, businesses over an extended period have built a wealth of data within their current CRM system, fearing the loss of current customer details and opportunities when upgrading and transferring over to a new system. New CRM implementation challenges may also include finding the right CRM for your business needs, matching your company's financial budget, data security, convincing stakeholders, and getting employees to adapt to these changes through training sales representatives on the new software so it can be used efficiently.

Why upgrade to TEB Apps?

TEB Apps offers a comprehensive CRM solution that caters to the unique needs of modern businesses, with our wide range of features and favourable benefits of full customization to match individual business requirements, user-friendly interface, and advanced analytics with cost-effective pricing.

Key factors that set TEB Apps apart are the high level of customization and flexibility to meet the unique requirements of each business, workforce management, and our mobile app with innovative features such as tracking sales representatives' progress while they conduct on-field sales—at the same time, offering streamlined pricing with specification, volumetric, and bundle pricing.

TEB, the game changer!

Here are some of our key features of TEB Apps:

  • Lead & Contact Management
  • Holistic sales dashboard
  • Integration friendly
  • Mobile App & Business Card Reader
  • On-field tracking

Ready to explore the benefits of upgrading to TEB Apps? Book a demo today!

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