With the advancement of various digital technologies, consumers have an enhanced ability to research and compare company offerings like no generation before. Access to online reviews, which are trusted as much as referrals, has empowered prospects, causing a shift in consumer behaviour leading to longer sale cycles. This shift requires a strategic approach by on and off field sales teams. Alongside the advancement of technology, TEB Apps has developed an innovative mobile CRM application that can be utilized by on-field sales representatives to accurately track customer data and maintain conversion performance. In this article, we will explore the importance of tracking sales with beneficial factors of tracking field sales representatives with TEB Apps an advanced CRM software solution.

The importance of tracking sales

Tracking sales is essential for any industry, analytical data and sales reports provide valuable insights and metrics, that drive data-informed decision-making. This allows your business to optimize sales strategies and maximize revenue potential. Here are some key reasons why tracking sales is important to every business:

  • Performance evaluation
  • Goal Setting and monitoring
  • Forecasting and planning
  • Customer insights
  • Sales pipeline management
  • ROI Analysis 

On field representatives

Field sales representatives play a crucial role in driving revenue, expanding market reach, and maintaining customer relationships through face-to-face interactions. While the sales ecosystem is shifting, on-field representatives still have some of the highest quota-attaining percentages out there. Data shared by Qwilr states face-to-face or field sales teams make up 71.2% of the sales force.

F2F marketing statistic

Field sales representatives often work autonomously, managing their schedules, appointments, and travel arrangements to events or meet with clients and prospects. Without an efficient tracking system in place, sales reps often struggle to keep a record of prospect data and relay information back to office-based sales teams. As well as managers keeping track of the hours contributed, work progress, and travel expenses of their sales employees. With the wide adoption of CRM systems to streamline business processes, the development of CRM mobile applications has become a high demand for businesses that have on-field sales representatives.

Tracking sales with TEB Apps

The role of field sales representatives is critical in driving revenue and expanding market reach. However, managing a team of field sales representatives can be a complex and challenging task for company managers while overseeing several other business operations. This is where TEB Apps come into play. TEBs mobile app has several innovative features that can assist your sales tracking and optimize team performance on the field.

Mobile crm  - crm app  - mobile crm software

Here is a quick overlook at the capabilities of our Mobile App and how it can be used by your sales reps:

  • Mobile App & Business Card Reader – Our new innovative mobile CRM is accessible through Apple and Google Play store. Assisting out-of-office sales representatives convert leads on the move, this hugely benefits door-to-door sales, physical stores, or any potential customer meet in person. Our App has a built-in business card reader (OCR) that can scan any business card automatically sending that lead to your CRM System, reducing manual input time. This has greatly benefited sales reps attending social and exhibition events.
  • On-field tracking – In collaboration with our newly updated mobile app, TEB provides on-field tracking which enables sales reps to log their attendance from the start of the day, and as they make sale enquires throughout their day the actions will be logged within the system with geographical data. This can provide your business with insights on your customers or leads in specific areas as well as allow managers to keep track of in-the-field sales reps' progress.
  • Integration friendly – Our App allows the use of third-party applications that your business may require as part of your on-field sales process. The integrated communications include email providers which are document upload friendly, Calls, and WhatsApp. In sync with our Web system, all details and interactions are updated allowing you to track the progress of your lead data outside or in the office.
  • On-the-go quote management: TEB Apps empowers sales reps to create, review, and approve quotes effortlessly from anywhere through our mobile CRM, ensuring swift negotiations and accelerated sales closures. This capability streamlines workflows, reduces delays, and ensures consistent accuracy with your company's quote templates. This also significantly improves customer experience by providing swift, real-time responses, leading to faster negotiations.

Here are some of the challenges we were able to resolve for on-field sales representatives using TEB Apps, accessed via our mobile App:

Challenges sales representatives face

Data Fragmentation - One of the common challenges in managing field sales representatives is data fragmentation, where customer information is scattered across multiple systems and platforms. TEB Apps consolidates customer data into a single database ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Lack of Visibility- Without a centralized system for tracking field sales activities, managers may struggle to gain visibility into the performance and progress of their sales teams. However, TEB Apps provides real-time dashboards, reports, and analytics that offer a comprehensive view of sales performance, enabling managers to make informed decisions and take corrective actions as needed.

Inefficient Reporting - Manual reporting processes can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to inaccuracies and delays in analysing sales data. TEB Apps automates reporting tasks, generating custom reports, and visualizations that provide actionable insights for sales optimization and performance evaluation.

Tracking field sales representatives with TEB Apps mobile CRM offers numerous benefits, including improved sales performance, enhanced customer engagement, efficient task management, data-driven decision-making, seamless collaboration, and more. By resolving challenges such as data fragmentation, lack of visibility, and inefficient reporting your business can enhance your sales tracking and productivity.

Book a demo today! An take a step closer to making a valuable investment for your business if your looking to gain a competitive advantage, achieve sustainable growth, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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