With a whole new year ahead of us, we should expect to see new sales trends making an impact in 2024. Identifying which trends will affect your sales, what is likely to be long-lasting, and what you need to be doing to grow your sales is crucial in order to strategize and ensure your budget is used wisely. In this article, we are looking at what 2024 is predicted to have in store for us, the upcoming technology that is supporting these trends, and what tools you need to use to make 2024 a successful sales year.

What is predicted to be the big 2024 sales trends?

Depending on your niche, and your industry there may be trends that are specific to your sector; but you are still likely to be affected by general trends regardless. We are looking at some of the common trends that are likely to affect most businesses:

Business to Business (B2B) Trends

Planning to engage with your business customers as soon as possible is often the sensible approach, as many businesses develop their strategies, plan their budgets, and layout their expectations for the year early in Quarter One (Q1).

Some of the trends you should expect to see with business customers include:

B2B business sales trends for 2024
  • Hybrid selling – Utilising an approach that combines in-person selling with digital outreach. It is important that businesses monitor their consumer engagements, determine whether hybrid-selling is the correct approach, and make sure the correct actions are taken by the sales team.

  • Remote first engagements – As part of the hybrid selling approach, many businesses are looking to digital connections (email, social media, etc) for initial contact. Identifying which customers prefer this form of contact, and noting the channels they utilise is key.

  • Focus on superior customer experience – Business customers want quick, precise, and correct interactions, which focus on the relationship between the companies and ensure an outstanding customer experience.

  • Increased focus on inclusivity and diversity – This is not just an internal issue for companies, and businesses are looking to work and buy from others who share their values and respect their needs.

Business to Consumer (B2C) Trends

Technology continues to influence and change the consumer landscape, and many of the upcoming trends focused on customer engagement involve a digital or technological component.

In 2024, some of the trends you need to be aware of include:

B2C sales trends for 2024
  • Immersive experiences – With AI becoming more accessible there are more options for customers to engage with businesses. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are being utilised for more personalised experiences and allowing customers to interact with products before purchase.

  • Digital advertising – Although not a new trend, the use of digital advertising continues to grow, and with more data available – personalisation and more effective targeting of marketing and adverts is allowing businesses to reach customers with offers, products, and services that match the user’s need, generating more warm and hot leads than traditional or unfocused advertising.

  • Targeted offers – By utilising customer profiling, analytics, and setting up metrics for monitoring, individual demographics, target groups, and specific interests are now able to be identified, which makes targeting offers more efficient and likely to convert.

  • Video advertising – Video remains one of the most popular types of content, and customers are engaging not only with content that contains adverts, but also content created by businesses to showcase products.

  • Online communications over physical interaction – Engagement online is one of the most popular forms of communication. Convenience is a huge factor – and being able to communicate online, at a time that suits the customer, is extremely popular. Chatbots, business automated AI processes, and platforms that allow for automated communication (such as CRM software) are growing increasingly popular for improved strategic success.

What technology is growing behind these trends?

Many of these incoming trends rely on having usable data, the ability to use it, and the right programs to handle the opportunities and day-to-day interactions.

Some of the technologies that businesses need to look at using, or improving, during 2024 include:

  • Data pipelines and appropriate storage
  • Monitoring and analytic programs
  • Lead management automation tools
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
  • Opportunity alerting systems
  • Interactive calendars and digital team environments
  • Interactive dashboards and systems to utilise the data

How is remote selling expected to evolve in 2024?

Remote selling connects sales teams and customers with innovate technologies and tools, to make the sales process digital – negating barriers of time, place, and (where appropriate AI is in use) physical availability.

2024 will see remote selling continue to grow and evolve, with usable data and customised sales tactics becoming more important as businesses strive to compete in a digital landscape.

What customer data protection trends should you be aware of?

Data protection is a hugely important element of your digital strategy and any online business, and it remains one of the most crucial aspects that businesses need to get right.

Stat about data

According to LXA 79% of people are ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ concerned about how companies are using the data they collect about them, and 84% care about privacy, their own data, and want more control over how the data is being used.

In 2024, businesses should expect to see increased usage of AI for security and for privacy, and increased advancements in preventing next-level phishing attacks.

Support your sales with TEB Apps

TEB Apps is a rapidly growing CRM and automation software that is driving sales teams' performances all around the world. By leveraging TEB Apps, you will be able to get brilliant overviews into your sales activity, automate your processes and streamline your workflow to help you hit your sales targets. With TEB Apps, it is proven that you can maximise sales, drive your revenue and grow your business. Key features of TEB Apps include:

Support your business with TEB Apps

Automation of manual processes – From lead assigning to setting up specification pricing, you can automate your processes to make your sales process more efficient and productive.

Centralise data – Centralise all of your data in a user-friendly funnel view to pinpoint your most valuable lead sources and top demographics to target.

Streamlined workflow management – Assign actions and track sales performance in real-time to stay connected to your team and streamline your management.

Store documentation – Securely store documents in TEB and attach them to customers to share important information on leads for your team to see.

Request a call from our experts today and prepare for 2024 to be a year of growth, opportunity, and success.

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