We are delighted to announce that we are coming to Convergence India in January 2024! We are bringing the rapidly growing futuristic TEB Apps to the event, and we look forward to showing you first-hand how you can maximise conversions, boost sales and accelerate growth. Convergence India is the hub for future technologies, bringing together multiple sectors with cutting-edge new innovative solutions for businesses.

TEB Apps is one of the fastest-growing CRM and automation systems in the world that powers the growth of countless businesses.  In the last year, TEB Apps has grown by 800% due to its proven ability to scale businesses with advanced automation at cost-efficient prices. With TEB Apps, you will:

TEB Apps benefits

Streamline your manual processes – Automatic lead assigning, data entry, quote templates and specification pricing help you streamline your manual processes for huge efficiency boosts and cost savings.

Centralise your data – View all of your leads in a centralised funnel view to pinpoint your most valuable lead sources and hot prospects to prioritise.

Manage and track your workflow – Track and manage your workflow in real-time, seeing how your deals are progressing and how your team is performing.

Business card reader (OCR) – Scan business cards and have the details automatically sent to your TEB Apps CRM to reduce human error, and significantly boost efficiency and productivity.

See these benefits for yourself!

This is only the tip of the iceberg for TEB Apps, visit our stand and see all of these benefits, and so much morem for yourself. Find us at:

Location: Pragati Maidan, New Delhi

Hall: 5

Stand: D401

Date: 17th-19th January 2024

TEB Apps – Changing the future for our clients

We are proud to be changing the future for our countless clients, offering personalised solutions to their challenges and we help them grow and hit their ambitious goals!

TEB Apps clients

Book a time to connect with us and step into the future today!

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