In the competitive market of sales, where every lead represents a potential opportunity for business growth, the ability to convert prospects into customers is of prime importance. Did you know, on average only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their lead conversion rates? – shared by infinity. This statistic highlights a significant gap between the aspired goals and the reality, of sales teams' lead conversion rates. However, in this article, we will delve into actionable strategies and insights for top CRM solutions that will assist in boosting lead conversions. Allowing businesses to unlock untapped potential and drive sustainable growth and increased revenue.

Why should you implement CRM to boost lead conversions?

Customer relationship management also known as CRM, is a data-driven software solutions tool. Many businesses have implemented CRM to automate managing and tracking current customer data. CRM simplifies sales by centralizing data for all your business leads and current customers' information. CRM also provides integrated tools to streamline every stage of your sales process which is a crucial factor that assists your sales representatives in boosting lead conversions.

Some of the common features you may find within CRM software include:

  • Opportunity management
  • Lead management
  • Quote management
  • Order Management
  • Analytics and Reporting

As sales teams grapple with the challenge of turning prospects into paying customers, one tool that has stood out as a game changer is CRM software. According to recent studies by Webinar Care, businesses that implement CRM systems experience an average of 29% increase in sales. These compelling statistics underscore the profound impact of an effective CRM implementation on a company’s bottom line and overall success.

With CRM, sales representatives can tailor their messages based on a lead’s preferences and behaviors, creating a more engaging and meaningful conversation throughout interactions. A personalized approach not only builds rapport but also increases the likelihood of conversion as you can address each prospect's specific and unique needs.

The players in the CRM Market

In today's competitive market, the demand for CRM software has skyrocketed as businesses strive to streamline their operations, enhance customer relationships, and boost lead conversions. Throughout the evolution and adoption of CRM, TEB Apps has quickly gained the interest of many companies worldwide. Resulting in an 800% increase over the last year for TEB App software users due to our proven ability to accelerate business growth. However, with several players within the market, competitors such as Gong, Qwilr, salesforce, and HubSpot have also gained commendable recognition for their software solution offerings.

Here is an overview of the players in the CRM market:

Gong is a sales intelligence platform that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to help analyse and improve your sales process. This is provided through valuable insights into customer interactions, helping sales teams understand buyer behaviour, identify key trends, and optimize their sales strategies.


  • Conversation Intelligence: records, transcribes, and analyses sales conversations, to provide valuable insights into customer sentiment, objections, and buying signals.
  • Improved Customer Experience: By gaining a deeper understanding of customer needs and preferences, sales teams can deliver prospects a personalized and engaging experience.


  • Cost: may be cost-prohibitive for some small businesses or startups, especially those with limited budgets for investment tools as the platform's pricing is tailored for enterprise-level organizations.
  • Learning Curve:  Implementing requires time and resources to train sales teams on how to use the platform effectively, as it includes an initial Steep learning curve for AI-driven sales tools.


Qwilr is a sales proposal software that enables businesses to create visually stunning, interactive proposals and documents that impress clients and close deals faster. With Qwilr, users can easily customize templates, add multimedia elements, and track client engagement in real-time, streamlining the proposal creation process and enhancing the overall customer experience.


  • Visual Appeal: Qwilr's templates and design tools allow users to create professional-looking proposals that stand out from traditional text-based documents.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Qwilr provides real-time tracking and analytics, allowing sales representatives to see when prospects have viewed their proposals and how much time they have spent on each section.


  • Learning Curve: While Qwilr offers a user-friendly interface, some users may find the platform's advanced features and customization options challenging to master, especially if they are new to proposal software.
  • Compatibility Issues: Users may encounter compatibility issues or limitations when trying to synchronise data between all-around CRM software that may offer solutions to other sectors of their business operations.


Salesforce is known as one of the pioneers in cloud-based CRM, salesforce offers a range of tools directed at streamlining sales, and marketing. This allows businesses to focus on the specific area they aim to scale. However, a disadvantage of Salesforce is its lack of customizable features to tailor particular business requirements, as they work alongside various markets.


  • Customizability: Salesforce provides a wide range of advanced features and customization, which can be aimed towards your business requirements.
  • Comprehensive Lead Management: Salesforce offers robust lead management capabilities, allowing users to capture, qualify, and nurture leads throughout the sales funnel.


Customization Challenges: While Salesforce offers extensive customization capabilities, implementing and maintaining customizations can be time-consuming and require technical expertise.

Scalability Issues: While Salesforce is scalable and suitable for businesses of all sizes, scaling the platform to accommodate growing lead volumes and complex sales processes may require additional resources and expertise.

Why TEB Apps is the top choice CRM solution

With the increasing complexity of customer interactions and data management, businesses seek more advanced and innovative solutions to stay ahead of their competition. One key factor that sets TEB Apps apart is the high level of customization and flexibility. Unlike other available CRM software, TEB Apps offers a tailored CRM solution that can be easily customized to meet the unique requirements of a business. From custom workflows to personalized dashboards and presenting centralized data of leads with tracking capabilities making your journey of maximizing conversions more efficient.

Boost your lead conversions with CRM software

TEB Apps

TEB App's powerful solution has specific features that target the pain points of a manual process or low lead conversion rates, to empower your sales teams to achieve higher conversion rates. Here are some of the key features that will benefit your lead conversion rates: 

Automated Lead Management: Streamlines lead capture, qualification, and routing processes, ensuring leads are promptly followed up and nurtured throughout the sales pipeline. Streamlined lead management directly correlates results in a faster lead response time increasing the likelihood of your sales team closing more deals.

Intelligent Lead Scoring: TEB Apps prioritizes leads based on behaviour throughout previous interactions and predefined criteria,  this allows your sales team to focus their efforts and resources on high-value opportunities.

Personalized Communication: TEB Apps provides centralized data for all leads, this allows sales team to efficiently personalize communication efforts and follow-ups for each individual which are tailored to their interests and preferences.

Seamless Integration: TEB Apps allows seamless integration with your existing tools and systems, including email marketing and communication platforms to help create an efficient workflow.

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